UCLA Engage Building Performance Dataset

The UCLA Engage building performance dataset is an anonymized dataset of high-frequency electricity use for households in a multi-family residential community in Los Angeles.

Users can access appliance-level electricity consumption, weather variables and anonymous dwelling characteristics for 118 apartments at University Village (3200 Sawtelle Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1496). The dataset includes 53.7 million kilowatt-hour (kWh) observations collected at 1/30 Hz from Nov 2011 to Jun 2012. The archival records in the database are anonymous. This means all personally identifying information such as name, street address, apartment number, etc. are removed. We are making the data freely available to the scientific community, however any use of this data for research purposes or collaboration should be sure to give full attribution to the data source.

Please contact Professor Magali Delmas with any questions.


Users must register and verify their email to receive a link to download the data.